Trend & Branding
Trend projects for clients within consumer goods, merchandise, lifestyle, technology, & start ups.
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Trend projects for clients within consumer goods, merchandise, lifestyle, technology, & start ups.
I used the large group of millennials that are looking for on trend designs with a fair price point as inspiration for designing the color, pattern, fabric, and overall stroller & carseat design.
Inspiration came from home, recent runway, and trending textures for fabric newness. Fabrics such as bonded knits, textured neoprenes, and technical knits that match home & car interiors are popular for design conscious moms.
Overall look is clean with a touch of modern geo print. White framing, black and grey plastics, with technical fabrics to complete the design savvy mom.
Designed and Sketched in Illustrator
Custom merchandise for Sustainable Harvest International. Designs are not finalized, as this is a current work in progress. Come back later to see the final merchandise!
1st submission of location inspiration, showing multiple color way options with varying graphics
Showing the graphic direction for the feel of the graphic, heavy in hand sketching
1st submission using the inspiration of people and plants
What is a yokel? And what comes to mind?
Inspiration for communication, home, travel, and comfort.
Inspiration from maps, stamps, cities, people, heart, and most importantly PULSE.
Quick illustrator sketches. After reviewing these with the client, they felt like it wasnt emotional enough and needed to be more about the HEART of the people.